Ekoru: Participate in Ocean Conservation with Just One Click!

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Ekoru: Participate in Ocean Conservation with Just One Click!

With pollution and waste mismanagement increasing across the globe, protecting the oceans has become more critical than ever. The good news is that ocean-lovers are continuously looking for ways to support ocean conservation. Now you can even take part without ever leaving your home, or your couch! Ekoru is an up and coming search engine that gives back to the oceans with every search that you make. One search equals one pound of trash removed from the ocean. If you’ve ever wanted to participate in ocean conservation efforts in a quick and easy way, now is your chance. Ekoru makes it easy to support its green initiatives, partnerships and contributions. With the added bonus of enhanced privacy for your searches, you may start seeing more and more people switch to Ekoru. Ekoru is the search engine that helps make our oceans clean and green! Visit https://www.ekoru.org today to change your search engine and help save our ocean…Read More


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