Camping Hiking in Joshua Tree National Park, California

Original content owned & copyrighted by Green Global Travel.

The first time I visited Joshua Tree National Park, I really wasn’t expecting much.

I honestly didn’t think the California desert could be that impressive, because it’s mostly made up of dust and tumbleweeds, right?

But as soon as I started driving through Joshua Tree and saw the alien-like landscape outside my window, I realized just how wrong my initial assumptions were. And now Joshua Tree ranks among my favorite national parks in the world.

We spent three days exploring the desert, tackling sweaty Joshua Tree Park hikes, driving to scenic viewpoints, and watching rock climbers hang from staggering cliffs at seemingly impossible angles.

At the end of our visit, it was surprisingly difficult to leave the quiet solitude of the desert behind and head back to the hustle and bustle of civilization.

In this detailed visitor’s guide, we’ll walk you through some of the best Joshua Tree hiking trails, as well as the best places in the park for camping under bright constellations.

Guide to Camping & Hiking in Joshua Tree National Park - the best Joshua Tree hiking trails & camping sites to help you experience the park to its fullest. | best hikes in joshua tree | best trails in joshua tree | joshua tree hike | joshua tree trails | hiking joshua tree | joshua tree hiking map | joshua tree hiking trails | hikes in joshua tree park | joshua tree hikes | joshua tree national park hikes | joshua tree park trails | hikes in joshua tree | hiking in joshua tree national park

BIO: Mimi McFadden is a travel blogger, avid yogi, and paneer enthusiast. Originally from California, she has been slow traveling the world since 2013. After living abroad for five years, she has finally found a home in San Francisco. You can follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and her blog, The Atlas Heart.
The post Camping & Hiking in Joshua Tree National Park, California appeared first on Green Global Travel.

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